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Tips to increase donations and market your cause online

Why go online?

Using the internet to provide information on your cause and to fundraise is a good way to increase your target audience and expand your donations base. As consumer familiarity with online shopping, purchasing services, and booking travel on the internet increases. Busy consumers are looking to do more and more things online. Fundraising is a perfect candidate to go online, now your donors can get more information about your cause, donate at their convenience and be educated about urgent needs your organization may have for funds.

How to get started?

There's a variety of ways to get started with creating an internet presence for your organization. You can register a domain name and create a website, or even just create a blog on a free site.

To begin accepting funds online, the quickest and easiest way to get started is to create a PayPal account. So simple fundraising campaigns you can quickly create a button to add to your website or blog right from your PayPal account. PayPal processes most major credit cards, bank transfers, and of course from the funds in over 100 million PayPal account holders.

Positive reinforcement.

Providing feedback to your donors is one of the most popular ways of increasing donations, simply displaying a thermometer graphic or list of recent donors shows your contributors that their donation matters and that your organization is transparent and honest. provides a variety of ways to track and display donations on your website.

Marketing your cause.

Getting the word out there about your cause is one of the toughest aspects of internet marketing. You don't have to pay a lot to get the word out about your cause. Use the power of Social Networking sites such as FaceBook or MySpace to create groups and events, and let your supporters promote your organization to their friends and so on. Blogs can also help highlight specific issues or urgent needs and provide an interesting way to reach your audience and keep them coming back for more.